Infertility remains one of the major unmet medical needs globally.
In the United States, infertility affects around 13-15% of reproductive-aged couples, and the number of women treated for infertility per year is around 1.7 million. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) includes all fertility treatments with the main type of ART being in vitro fertilization (IVF). As part of ART, supplementation of progesterone (PRO) promotes fertility, prevents miscarriages and even prevents pre-term labor.
Current available options for PRO supplementation are limited to messy vaginal gel (Crinone®) and inserts (Endometrin®) that require administration 2-3 times per day, or painful daily IM injections that require another person’s help to administer and have side effects such as abscess formation.
The AnelleO solution offers progesterone supplementation with an intravaginal ring (IVR), providing a patient friendly option of a single patient-administered ring delivering PRO for the entire 8-10 week course. Utilizing state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, AnelleO can design and manufacture an IVR-based product that will
Therefore, development of a long-acting progesterone IVR will be ground breaking, as there is no FDA approved IVR to deliver natural progesterone to cover the entire ART period with one ring.